Thursday, March 22, 2007

Update: Election

I am listening to 2GB right now as whoever is talking about Kevin Rudd's 4.7 billion dollar broadband proposal. Whoever called some guy who said what's the fuss about people getting faster iPod downloads a dopey bonehead. He is talking to the Daily Terrorgraph's Business Commentator (note that The Daily Terrorgraph is a shit newspaper that exaggerates things more than Today Tonight). He is pointing out that a fast broadband network is different to building a new road is that it is an investment that generate's income (reasonable point). He also stated that the plan would have to involve the Telstra network, so how other telcos could access the network. Now, he said that other countries are getting 3, 4, 5x our speeds. Now, let's take the thereotical average speed of ADSL2+: 17 mbps. That would mean that other countries are getting 85mbps home broadband. First of all, I want to point out that that is the most steaming piece of bullshit I have heard in the whole day. Now I don't know how the hell we can achieve those speeds short of relaying our entire copper network, which by my estimates will cost at least 47 billion dollars, 10x the amount that Kevin Rudd suggested.

Now for me to separate the facts from bullshit once again. First of all, Mr. Phillip Clark from 2GB, fast broadband is about faster iPod downloads. How the hell can businesses use 85mbps on sending a few emails? This guy obviously thinks that big business communications is about downloading large files. NOTE: I have forwarded this blog post to 2GB.


Anonymous said...

That is probably the smartest thing I have heard all day about a politician. He probably wants all that extra speed to satisfy his adultery needs on the net while he sits back and relaxes while sydney turns into chaos bit by bit.

Personally, i can think of 4.7 million, nay, BILLION reasons on where that money can be invested.


Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for SKY Broadband.
Here is a broadband beginners guide and below are common broad band questions;
>What is Broadband?
>Types of Connections?
>Connection speeds and download limits
>How to compare ISP’s