Thursday, March 29, 2007

Computer Competition

OK, a lot of people got a nice surprise when they saw some bullshit questions that some Excel freaks would not know, let alone some year 9 people. First, after I've done some Googling, I will give you guys the answer to the VLOOKUP question. First, cast your eyes to the right of the spreadsheet given (I know you don't have it, but imagine). Now look at the lower block of stuff. Then on the left column find "2", then move 2 cells to the right and that's the answer. I got some help from Google (Result). I fully scribbled on my question paper "WTF IS A VLOOKUP" and the person sitting behind me suggested "And then the teacher's like 'what's a WTF?'". Another question expects that our brain has a built in SGML (HTML) rendering engine. That's complete trash. I think approximately 1 person in this world probably has a SGML rendering engine built into their brain. BTW, the answer to question 1 is "field". The last question, the numbers are in descending order. If you picked one of the ones where the numbers weren't in order: CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the "CryptWizard's complete retard that doesn't know the meaning of sort award" for today. For the normalizing (normilising if you want to act aussie) a database question, it was the "students" table that could've been improved by adding a foreign key (Wikipedia it) to the "attendance" table. You probably have to be like some professional database designer to know that. Also, the algorithm on the last page is a recursive (Wikipedia it) algoritm. You can see it by how it calls it self.

In other news, the 2594/8594 was driven by a drunken retarded lunatic who reacted positively when called a "fucking faggot" (note the alliteration). Also I found a Pentium 1 computer in front of my house. I took the CPU out of it.

If there's a computer competition question you want me to answer, comment describing the question. Thanks. Comment please!

1 comment:

Bl00dFox said...

OMG i so agree with you.

The thing that pisses me off, is the test was seriously imbalanced. It totally concentrated on Excel, Word and databases. The only hardware question (the only sub-topic, that I can call myself a pro at) was a pathetic "where would you plug in you r 3.5mm sound jack"? I mean, if they can ask questions where you would have to be a database architect working for Wall Street to answer it, would it kill them to ask an equivalently hard question in the hardware/troubleshooting topic?

How gay.

And yes, after I said thankyou to the Bus Driver, he answered "No worries mate, anytime, no worrie...s..." in a really slurred voice.

How Drunk.

Also, Im sure I have a 486 lying around in the garage somewhere. If I find it ill post some pics.

How cool.
