Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fools!

and Google has the right idea. Click here for some pure ROFLMAO. In case you're a retarded noob and don't know that it's a joke, I want to tell you this:

Cough. Anyway, I think this is a very good idea, just like last year how Google came up with how to give GMail users unlimited space without really giving them unlimited space (quite clever actually, and it's true). The counting thing on GMail's homepage is actually last year's April Fool's joke, and it turns out they're doing it for real.

EDIT: Look at this page: See on the right where it says "Sign up for Gmail". Hover your mouse over the link and notice at the end it says: "utm_source=afj". Doesn't take a genius to figure out what afj stands for. This is definite proof for anyone that is actually dumb enough to believe anything that's said on April Fool's Day.

EDIT 2: It appears they have another joke:

EDIT 3: Look at the way Wikipedia worded the attached message.


~HungrYBadgeR said...

Screw you

Bl00dFox said...

Lol it would be funny if next year, the wireless internet thing was real lol.

CryptWizard said...

It's not wireless. It's wired through your toilet. And why were you bludging today?