- Giving back a test with a 0% mark (teachers)
- Unexpectedly patting someone on the back (anyone)
- Telling someone that they have been charged with indirectly causing someone a heart attack (police, teachers, principals, director generals of the NSW DET, etc.)
- Seeing a scary movite (movie makers)
- Filling a bag with air and popping it (anyone)
- Suddenly screaming unexpectedly (anyone)
- Seeing a blog post telling them that indirectly causing someone a heart attack is a crime (me)
- Many more...
So accoding to what this director general has said, everyone is a criminal. I consider this to be worthy of "CryptWizard's Bullshit of the Month" award. I will make some sort of Photoshopped medal for it soon. Thanks to the Director General of the New South Wales Department of Education for indirectly delivering that speech.